Plasmolifting PRP Tubes
How is PRP manufactured and how is it used?
From 8 to 16 milliliters of blood (1-2 test tubes) are taken from the patient and placed in a special apparatus-a centrifuge. During centrifugation, a special serum is formed, which is injected into the damaged muscle tissue or joint by injection.
Our website offers, among other things, the so-called PRP-Tubes for the production of platelet-rich plasma (PRP).
PRP Features:
Plasma is made from the fresh blood of the patient himself.
The material is produced in sterile conditions without contact with air.
Platelets should remain intact (damaged platelets do not have regenerative properties).
Plasma is cleared of blood elements that can slow down the process of tissue repair (for example, from white blood cells).
The material should be used immediately after manufacture.
What is PRP with Hyaluronic Acid?
Hyaluronic acid is a substance that helps fight inflammation, facilitating movement and relieving pain. And PRP promotes the rapid healing of damaged joints naturally and the restoration of their functions. At the same time, it is known that in the presence of hyaluronic acid, platelets work much faster and more efficiently. Therefore, scientists have developed PRP with hyaluronic acid, which provides the restoration of the joint or bone tissue and has an analgesic effect.
PRP with hyaluronic acid is actively used today in the Anadolu clinic for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. This method helps to significantly relieve pain and restore joint mobility in 94.4% of patients who were not helped by previous treatment.